International Speechwriting Associates

Our speeches have been heard
on Associated Press and
United Press International.

ISA speechwriters have written for
Nasa Astronauts, the United Nations,
and the U.S. Congress.


ISA speechwriters have been honored with publication in the most prestigious International Journals and Books.

Our work is showcased in Vital Speeches of the Day and Representative American Speeches.

Vital Speeches of the Day

This prestigious journal publication is routinely reviewed by U.S. presidential administrations, members of Congress, policymakers, and other prominent government officials worldwide. Leaders in business and in academic institutions also follow this publication, which is available in libraries around the globe.

Recently published speeches in Vital Speeches of the Day include those of United States Presidents and Vice Presidents, Prime Ministers and World Leaders, Nobel Prize Winners, Secretaries of State, Pentagon Representatives, Captains of Industry, Supreme Court Justices, University Officials, Journalists, and many more.